9 Quirky facts about horses you dont know
- EYES : Horses have the largest eyes of any mammal on the land and these eyes have an almost 360 degree view of things- they are extremely sensitive to blue and green
- MEAT EATERS : The original horses – way back when – used to be carnivores – so the historians tell us
- Sleepy” Horses Sleep Standing up to be alert for predators but they also sleep lying down when they need that “deep sleep”. Generally when they lay down they have a buddy that stays awake to keep watch !
- Tail : If the tail is tightly clenched and firmly up against its bum its nervous or fearful- if its carried high its on high alert and super sensitive to its surroundings
- Bones: Horses on average have 205 bones in their body
- Age :
On average a horse will live to 25 years old
- Cousins: The horses closest living cousin is believe it or not the Rhino !
- Speed: Horses can get up to 48klms per hour
- Teeth:
Male horses can have 40 to 42 teeth- Females have between 36 to 40- Why ? Its thought the males use these teeth as a way to ward of predators
Luke Murrell
August 29, 2024